Life’s Soundtrack

Whenever something monumental happens in my life, there’s always a song attached to it. Music plays such a dominate role in everyday life that it’s kind of shocking. Driving home from school today I was struck with a thought and it has brought me to my blog with the desire to share.

Sometimes I entertain the idea that my life is a movie. This seems to be a common thing for little girls right up there with the desire to be a Disney Channel television star. Today I began to wonder what the soundtrack to my life’s movie would be at this particular point of my existence. So I’ve come up with a list of songs that – if my life were indeed a movie – would be the background music to the film.


1.    “Daylight” by Matt & Kim

To be played as I’m walking down the sidewalk of a bustling city on an unknown, yet important mission.

2.    “Hey, Soul Sister” by Train

To blast while driving along the ocean with the top down on a summer day.

3.   “You Don’t Know Me” by Ben Folds

To create a mood during a very dramatic scene where there’s a sense of tension.

4.    “Always Like This” by Bombay Bicycle Club

To accompany a montage of images/flashbacks.


 cassette heart

 Yes. I’ve decided to end the list at four in order to break the usual Top 5 restrictions. If your life was a movie, what songs would make up the background music?